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The power of gratitude

« What does one say ? Merciiiii! ». What? All these adults were right to repeat to us, without ever faltering, to say thank you when we were children?

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5 tips for having a good day

A good day does not depend only on us. There are things we have no control over, unpredictable events that disrupt our organization and our projections. Still, we can decide to say and think that we had a good day and that we will have a good day. We have real power...

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2017 – ∞

Je vous souhaite une merveilleuse année 2017, remplie de joie, de sérénité, de bienveillance et de collaboration. Le bonheur, ensemble!

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5 ways to succeed

To go further in the article « French tennis: the fear of winning », here are 5 lines of thought and action to put in place if you doubt your ability to succeed and win.

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French tennis: the fear of winning

In an article published in Le Temps « French tennis, where is the problem? » The lack of international titles of tennis players in France is due to the lack of management of emotions. Explanations.

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